The bad news first:
One of my uncles is very sick, and he's going to die soon. I haven't seen him in years, and now I won't be able to catch up with him. That's one thing I don't like about living so far from my family, it's not easy for me to go and visit. I'll miss you even more, Dave.
Now the good news:
Well if it can be considered such, maybe it's just news. I have another line on another job. No details at all except it's very close to where I live, and it's going to be a start-up big shop that is part of an established company. So again I'm hopeful, but ever the realist.
Sorry to hear about your uncle. That really sucks.
Thanks, Dr. Y.
I found out he died yesterday morning. Probably not going to blog for a while, I'll be heading home on Thursday for the service on Friday.
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